plastic credit card printing

Increase in sales from gift cards
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Increase in sales from gift cards

Increase in sales  The gift certificates of today don’t come on flimsy paper or in a bulky envelope. They don’t get as easily cast aside or misplaced. They no longer get thrown in a drawer and easily forgotten about until…

Literally Get Free Money From Gift Cards
Literally Get Free Money From Gift Cards

Literally Get Free Money From Gift Cards

Literally Get Free Money From Gift Cards On average 10-15% of gift cards are never redeemed. The card values can be set by you, and either pre-loaded or reloaded. You can ensure the safety of your cards by loading them…

Better Cash Flow
Better Cash Flow

Better Cash Flow

Better Cash Flow  A $50 gift certificate sale means $50 cash for your business today. Gift certificates were typically hidden behind the counter in a drawer, where they would be safe from shoplifters. Your gift card supply can be proudly…

Easy To Buy, Easy to Load, Easy to Cash
Easy To Buy, Easy to Load, Easy to Cash

Easy To Buy, Easy to Load, Easy to Cash

Easy To Buy, Easy to Load, Easy to Cash Not all people are born shoppers and the thought of trudging through slush-filled sidewalks and holiday crowds in search of the perfect gift can often be overwhelming. Gift cards are one…

Keep Customers Coming Back 
Keep Customers Coming Back 

Keep Customers Coming Back 

Keep Customers Coming Back  If you sell gift cards, they can also act as Loyalty Rewards Cards, or your can offer small gift cards to customers who spend a certain amount of money. E.g. For every $100 spent, a $5…

Canadians Really Want gift cards Get New Sales
Canadians Really Want gift cards Get New Sales

Canadians Really Want gift cards Get New Sales

Canadians Really Want gift cards  Gift cards have the highest awareness among prepaid products: Nearly all Canadian consumers (99 percent) are aware of gift cards. Eighty-nine percent have purchased them at some point, up from 71 percent in 2010.  Findings…

More sales with Free advertising on Gift Cards
More sales with Free advertising on Gift Cards

More sales with Free advertising on Gift Cards

 Increase Brand Awareness, Free Advertising  A full colour gift card emblazoned with your company logo works as a sales tool to remind customers about your product, bring them into your place of business, and it strongly encourages them to spend…

Additional Income / Benefits from Gift Cards
Additional Income / Benefits from Gift Cards

Additional Income / Benefits from Gift Cards

Additional Income / Benefits from Gift Cards If you have ever been the lucky recipient of a gift card, you may have noticed that some of them have names of companies seemingly unrelated to that which the card is for.…

Benefits gift cards loyalty reward retail toronto

Benefits gift cards loyalty reward retail toronto Increase in sales with Free advertising. A full colour credit card that works as a sales tool to remind customers about your product. like a business card but feel like a credit card…